Acknowledgements - No Turning Back

Posted: 2 August, 2017

This story has its origins in meetings with people from Adelaide, London, San Francisco, New York, Nairobi and Addis Ababa, Arba Minch and Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. However, my characters, their views, personalities, relationships and circumstances are entirely fictional. I have acknowledged every author whose work is quoted in this book. There are, however, words of other authors which may be paraphrased on these pages. This is not because I have overlooked their contribution, but because their writings have become part of my own language templates, part of my writing and speaking about No Turning Back.

This novel has taken many years to write and it could not have been written without the assistance of many people.
My thanks to: my great friend Max Kemp, the poet Jude Aquilina and to Mary Cunnane. Max’s ongoing encouragement and editing of the early drafts enabled me to persist with writing No Turning Back. Jude brought a poet’s touch with her editing. She played a crucial role in not only appreciating the personalities of the principal characters in No Turning Back but in enhancing their roles by her understanding what happens when a person experiences love, happiness or hell. Mary Cunnane’s advice that ‘less is more’ was an invaluable lesson Thanks also to Simon Kneebone who drew the maps of Ethiopia and the Southern Tribal Lands and to Philip Ellison who set the original text.

I am indebted to Arega Hailu Teffera, former Ambassador to Australia of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, for his advice and support for my time in Ethiopia. Arega’s expertise and encouragement for this project have been invaluable. Arega read and advised on chapters concerning Ethiopia. Particular thanks are due to Adimasu Gabayo and his brother Abe Gabayo from Addis Ababa for guiding me while in Addis Ababa and Ethiopia’s Southern Tribal Lands; to David Virgin for his advice concerning contact with Adimasu Gabayo, and for giving me the benefit of his experience in Kenya and Ethiopia; to Daniel Bayene from Bahir Dar and Canberra for his friendship and enthusiasm and in particular for his advice about the work of the Save the Children organisation in Ethiopia; to Dr Mahlet Yigeremu, Dean of the School of Medicine, Addis Ababa University and CEO of the Tikur Anbessa Specialised Hospital, Addis Ababa, who provided significant advice regarding health needs, management and professional training, with particular regard to treatment of infectious diseases in Ethiopia; to Dr Ahmed Reja, Director of Addis Ababa University College of Health Sciences; and in Adelaide to Dr John Guy who provided expert advice regarding diagnosis of HIV and judicious assessment of the effective use of anti-retroviral drugs. Thanks John.

My thanks to Louis de Vries Director of Hybrid Publishers who from the outset was encouraging and enormously supportive. I owe a considerable debt to Anna Blay, Hybrid Publishers principal editor. Anna’s editing and understanding was not only most constructive but was incisive in that she recognised the difficulties of bridging cultures along with interpretations of the effects of trauma of people’s lives. Anna’s sharing of her life and literary experience provided shape and insightful interpretation of difficult relationships. Anna solved problems.

I have been guided and encouraged from the outset by many people. I single them out for thanks. Lelita Baldock, Valerie Crawford, Ryan Hewitt, Liz Hobbs, Cate Millar, Angela Murray, Terrance Osmond, Marisa Paravia, Deborah Pipe, Warren Porter, Adam Rees, Patrick Rees, Andrew Robertson, Pip Robertson, Jane Robinson, John Scholz, Dr Simon Spedding, Peter Strawhan, Sarah Taylor, Heather Webster, Alex Woods and the late Dominie Whyntie

The sustained support of my wife Tricia has made completing this book possible. Her love, encouragement and willingness to comment on draft chapters –were integral to my writing No Turning Back. I cannot thank her enough.


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