Key notes from Roger Rees:

Posted: 24 July, 2017

i) Affect underpins all cognition.

ii) Language used such as a poet’s gentle and tender language allied to a person’s self-talk shapes one’s CNS.

iii) Not all of the human brain is infinitely plastic but much of it is and can be used to help a person learn and certainly learn post-trauma.

iv) External models of memory can be developed which can facilitate a person’s working and short-term memory.

v) Transdisciplinary practice is not only cost effective but long term allows for a seriously traumatized and disabled person to have a professional constant in their lives.

vi) Physical activity whenever possible is crucial in the management of depressed behaviour irrespective of the level of  a person’s depression.

vii) Music helps us make sense of inner experiences and gives both structure and coherence to our feelings and emotions.

viii) Supporting social networks and robust friendships are as crucial in the rehabilitation and learning process as intact neurological networks.

ix) At least partial recovery from stroke and serious brain injury is always possible in the long term given comprehensive and sustained interventions in domestic, self-care, social, recreational and vocational domains.

x) Symbols in terms of: language (a favourite poem or phrase), paintings, photos, objects (a Degas sculpture of a dancer in the arabesque position!) represent a perpetual challenge to a person’s thoughts and feelings and influence every aspect of human thought and endeavour.

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